Contemporary bohemian glass design
Traditional bohemian glass craft in contemporary modern design

Blue Storm vase
Ručně foukaná a broušená unikátní váza, pouze jeden solitérní kus. Uranové sklo vrstvené modrým. Broušené hluboké klínové řezy ve tvaru blesku vytvářejí impozantní hru světla a barevných průhledů do nitra vázy. Vzniká tak neklidný motiv nevybouřených mračen uprostřed...
Pink vase
Hand-blown vase made of clear crystal underlaid with pink opal. The vase is cut into large polished edges to highlight its vibrant pastel color. This non-traditional bright pink shade will light up any interior and breathe it into cheerful atmosphere. Lukáš...
Fruit vase
Hand-blown vase of uranium glass. The vase is hand cut with wedge cuts, which create a unique optical experience and play with light. Lukáš Jabůrek Studio+420 730 550 521 lukasjaburek@gmail.comfacebookinstagramlinkedinGDPR ochrana osobních údajů
Blue Line vase
Hand-blown and cut vase of uranium glass layered with dark blue. Difficult cut vase with deep wedge cuts in vertical and horizontal lines. The vase becomes the dominant sculpture, which determines the direction and style of the entire interior. Lukáš Jabůrek...
Blue Stars vase
Hand-blown and cut vase of uranium glass layered with dark blue. Cut deep stars into the lower colored layers create unique vistas and vigorous plastic relief. Lukáš Jabůrek Studio+420 730 550 521 lukasjaburek@gmail.comfacebookinstagramlinkedinGDPR ochrana osobních...
Blue Grass vase-eng
Ručně foukaná a broušená váza jako unikát, pouze jeden solitérní kus. Uranové sklo vrstvené tmavě modrým. Broušené hluboké řezy do spodních barevných vrstev vytváří jedinečné průhledy a razantní plastický reliéf. Lukáš Jabůrek Studio+420 730 550 521...
Dolce Vita
Dolce Vita The Dolce Vita handmade drinking collectionWine glass: volume 720 ml | volume 245 mm Tumbler D.O.F.: volume 600 ml | volume 100 mm Carafe: volume 1000 ml | volume 280 mm The Dolce Vita handmade wine glasses and carafe represents lightweight shapes that...
Galaxy Combining the unique fragrance of handmade French wax with hand-blown and cut candle holders made of unleaded crystal creates a perfect original gift that will bring you joy at any moment. Various variations of colored glass and cut motifs with carefully...
Night Vase Verticco
Hand-blown and cut vase made of uranium glass layered in blue. The cut vertical sections transmit a unique glow of uranium glass through the dark blue color, the intensity of which varies depending on the light. Unique piece 1/1. Height 28 cm, weight 7 kg. Lukáš...
Night Vase Stars
Hand-blown and cut vase in combination of uranium glass layered with blue. The vase changes form at day and night according to the type of light.Hight is 30 cm,weight 8 kg.Unique piece.Lukáš Jabůrek Studio+420 730 550 521...
Hand-blown vase in combination of uranium glass laminated with smoke glass. The vase is hand cut by edge grinding into large areas to show beautiful color combination of glass and its gradual fine transitions. The vase Smoke has a subtle elegance and a light style...
Hand-blown and cut vase in carved wooden molds in a combination of gray glass layered with white opal. Randomly thought-out deep notches in the lower gray layer of the vase create a unique relief reminiscent of bird nests. This creates a beautiful optics of vivid...
Hand-blown vase in combination of uranium glass laminated with amber glass. The vase is hand cut by edge grinding into large areas to show a beautiful color combination of glass and its gradual fine transitions. The vase has a subtle elegance and a light watercolor...
Snow Vase
Lukáš Jabůrek Studio+420 730 550 521 lukasjaburek@gmail.comfacebookinstagramlinkedin
Blue Effect
Lukáš Jabůrek Studio+420 730 550 521 lukasjaburek@gmail.comfacebookinstagramlinkedin
Hand-blown vase in combination of uranium glass layered with white opal. Cut by vertical wedge cuts to present the best craftsmanship and elegance and beautiful optics of cut layers. The unique radiant features of uranium glass give the artpiece an original and fresh...
Milky Way
Drink set Milky is a stylish and imaginative combination of commonly used tumblers for water and hand-blown lead-free crystal in beautiful pastel tones of amber glass, blue smoke and clear crystal, which gives a unique touch milky layer of white opal. Volume 560...
Hand-blown vase in combination of uranium glass laminated with amber glass. The vase is hand cut by edge grinding into large areas to show a beautiful color combination of glass and its gradual fine transitions. The vase has a subtle elegance and a light watercolor...
Toothed Vase
Toothed vase is a hand-blown vase in a combination of clear crystal underlaid with yellow-green opal in a very soft tone. The vase has a hand-cut clean shape, in which deep cuts resembling teeth are cut on both sides. These scales add extraordinary looks with...
Velvet Bowl
Hand-blown and cut bowl in combination of clear crystal layered with white opal. The interior of the bowl is finely sanded to a velvety appearance. The outer surface of the bowl is cut by deep wedge cuts from white to clear, giving the bowl interesting light effects...
White Uranium Bowls
Two hand blown and cut bowls in opal white layered with uranium enamel. The inner surface of both bowls is in pure white porcelain color, which adds elegance to the objects and the outer casing is decorated with cut cubic-style flat edges. The smaller bowl is then...
Hand blown and cut vase in unique color combination of uranium glass and white opal.Uranium glass is very exceptional because it melts only twice a year in the Ajeto glassworks.Lemon is cut by large edges so that the created surfaces easily penetrate between...
Radically hand-cut to the edges of a vase cut in the shape of a pear. Produced in various colored underlay colors. One of the most heavily manufactured pieces of glassworks. On the blow pipe the glass master picks up 30 kilograms of glass. Awarded by Czech Grand...
Hand blown and cut unique vase in color combination grey color glass layered with white opalLead Free crystalHeight 29 cm The vase is very complicated and difficult to cut with deep wedge cuts that give the scales a unique texture and relief. Object has beautiful...
Hand blown and cut vase in unique color combination of uranium glass layered in gray. This color combination creates an interesting shade of dark green with phosphorescent tones of luminous yellow-green color. In addition, strong gradation and glow will intensify the...
Hand blown and cut vase in a red glass in combination with white opalLead Free crystalHeight 31 cm Rose Vase is cut to large edges to enhance the color contrast between the outer color layer and the inner. This will create unique optics of the glass and light. The...
Red Structure
Hand blown and cut unique vase in color combination clear crystal layered with red glass. The vase is hand cut with flat edges and inspired by the variety of pomegranate grains. This creates a beautiful structure of red cloak with differently large views into the soul...
Collection of hand-blown and cut vases and bowls in gentle pastel subtle tones of enamel. Colored colors of autumn and its unique atmosphere.Awarded by Czech Grand Design, Public Choice Award 2012Lead Free CrystalManufactured: MOSER, a.s.Lukáš Jabůrek Studio+420 730...
Hand-cut unique sculpture combined with a radical cut edges and a delicate decor on the surface of the object. This gives the work a unique contrast between the polished surfaces and the finely cut relief.Lead Free CrystalManufactured: MOSER, a.s.Size: Height 30 cm,...
The edition of three unique objects cut into unique sculptures. The optics of cut edges and views are perfectly matched by the soft underlay color of the oceanite and rose glass.Lead Free CrystalManufactured: MOSER, a.s.Size: Height 30 cmLukáš Jabůrek Studio+420 730...
Collection of hand blown, hand cut and colorful vases.Lead Free CrystalManufactured: MOSER, a.s. The City Collection harmoniously blends and uses the colorful range of unique Moser glass. The individual shapes are distinctive solitaires, but at the same time they form...
Manually hand blown into wooden mold and cut vases with a bowl in various underlay colors. Decorative cut is inspired by the relief surface of the pineapple and gives the works a unique optics and depth of color transitions. Lead Free CrystalManufactured: MOSER, a.s....
Hand blown, underlayed and cut vaseLead free crystalManufactured: MOSER, a.s.Size: 30 cm Height, Colors: Ocean green underlayed with roseSize: 36 cm Height, Colors: Rosalin underlayed with greenLukáš Jabůrek Studio+420 730 550 521...
Black Stars
Hand blown and cut unique vase in color combination grey color glass layered with white opal. The vase is very difficult to cut with deep wedge cuts in star shapes. That give the scales a unique texture and deep relief. Object has beautiful optics of the cut and the...
Red Honey
Hand-blown and cut vase in color combination clear crystal layered with red.The vase is cut by deep hexagons, which form the ingenious structure of honeycombs.This creates the perfect optics of unique vistas and reflections that make Red Honey a unique solitaire....
Collection of underlaid cut vases in several shapes and colors.The vases are inspired by the shape of tulip flowers and designed to keep the flowers fresh.The unique atmosphere of vases provides delicate combinations of pastel colors that symbolize the color variety...
Její síla stěny je masivní, aby následným broušením do velkých hlubokých ploch, vynikla nadčasová kubistická geometrie a záře jedinečné uranové skloviny. Váza svou jemnou zářivou barvou rozsvítí každý interiér. Výška 16 cmLukáš Jabůrek Studio+420 730 550 521...